Drighlington Primary School, Moorland Road, Drighlington, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD11 1JY

0113 2853000

Drighlington Primary School

Nurturing, supporting, believing, achieving!


At Drighlington Primary School we believe that a school uniform is important, because it:

  • looks smart
  • wears well
  • contributes to a sense of belonging
  • gives a common purpose and fosters a feeling of pride
  • reduces ‘fashion competition’ between children
  • creates equality
  • endorses team spirit

All children wear our school uniform and we encourage them to maintain an acceptable standard of clean and tidy dress in school. The uniform was chosen after extensive consultation with parents / carers and Governors.

Our school uniform is comprised of standard colours that can be bought from most supermarkets to make it easy for families to access. We do not expect families to pay the extra price to have the school logo added to items of clothing, but those who wish to do so can do this by visiting The Uniform Centre. 114-116 Queen Street, Morley. Leeds. Tel: -0113 2521463 or visit their website: Drighlington Primary – The Uniform Centre

Drighlington Primary School colours are navy, grey, pale blue and white. No other colours should be worn. Our school uniform comprises:

  • White or pale blue shirt/blouse
  • Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore (not jeans)
  • Navy sweatshirt/cardigan/jumper
  • Navy/grey/white socks/tights
  • Dark, safe, sensible footwear (NOT COLOURED FOOTWEAR)
  • Variations for summer wear are: any blue/white check dress and grey shorts

Families may also wish to access second-hand uniforms and can contact the school if this is something that they would like to investigate. 

PE Kit

PE kit should be kept in a SMALL named bag, not a large rucksack. The kit should be kept in school and taken home at weekends and the end of each half term to be washed. As with school uniform, all items of PE clothing should be identified with the child’s name. Children who go swimming need a towel, swimming trunks or full swimsuit (not a bikini), optional cap and brush or comb, carried in a waterproof bag.

  • R-Y2 PE kit: BLACK OR NAVY shorts & plain white or pale blue T-shirt. Appropriate footwear.


  • Y3-Y6 PE kit: BLACK OR NAVY shorts (preferably navy) & plain white or pale blue t-shirt.  Appropriate footwear. Suitable kit for outdoor - PLAIN BLACK OR BLUE tracksuit bottoms & top. 


For safety reasons, children are not permitted to wear jewellery in school. This includes earrings, but small studs are allowed. It is best that parents/carers discuss P.E. timetables with class teachers and remove stud earrings at home on these days. If children are wearing earrings on the day of a PE lesson, they should remove them independently, or ask an adult to cover them with microporous tape.

Watches and activity trackers may be worn but they must not have alarms or digital games that may interrupt teaching and learning. We do prefer that children leave their watches and activity trackers at home where they are safe.  Following advice from Leeds City Council Health and Safety Team, watches and activity trackers must not be worn during PE lessons. Children must not wear nail varnish (including stick on or acrylic nails) or makeup. They are not allowed to wear headwear inside the building, unless there is a proven medical reason or it is a requirement of their religious faith.

Children are allowed to bring in sunglasses and sunhats during the summer months, and families should ensure that these are labelled with the child's name or initials so that they are easily identifiable.


If you need help with uniform...

If you would like help or advice about purchasing or providing your child with school uniform, please don't hesitate to contact us - we will do everything we can to help. 

There are many places across the city to donate and receive second hand uniform - this not only ensures we are recycling but it also saves families money! 

