Drighlington Primary School, Moorland Road, Drighlington, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD11 1JY

0113 2853000

Drighlington Primary School

Nurturing, supporting, believing, achieving!

Our Curriculum 

Exciting - coming soon our curriculum enhancement offer! See the link below for our our promise to honour an exciting childhood for our pupils and further enrich their lives.

Our curriculum enhancement offer

Our curriculum aims to instil aspiration and a love of learning in every child, empowering them to reach their full potential through positive learning experiences, giving them the knowledge and skills they need to achieve well in school and as they move onto adult life.

We have designed and planned our creative curriculum to offer a range of experiences which contribute to every child receiving a broad, balanced, deep and rich curriculum which stimulates and engages all pupils effectively.  


The range of experiences we offer support and champion our culture and ensures that our children benefit from a full range of academic, spiritual, moral, social and cultural activities. We believe that these activities enrich children's lives and make them proud of their British Values and diverse society to which they belong and play an active part. We are proud that our creative curriculum gives our pupils the skills, knowledge, confidence and self-belief resulting in lifelong passionate learners who are well prepared for life in modern Britain and who aim high and work towards their goals.

We believe that every child should feel valued and experience the feeling of success in a wide range of curriculum areas. We believe that through the curriculum we can impact on what is in children’s heads and how they feel about themselves so that they feel knowledgeable, confident and ready to tackle any challenges that they may face.  We place high priority on ensuring children’s physical and mental well-being are met as we understand that pupils will not be successful learners unless they are emotionally secure. We therefore adopt a flexible approach to timetabling for those pupils with SEMH needs to ensure that we can meet and respond to any issues which may arise. Children’s physical and well being are as valued and important as academic development. This, alongside our thoughtful approach to SMSC helps to ensure that every child is well cared for and supported.